We commit our energy and creativity to drive the success of your business, collaborating closely to achieve remarkable results and overcome challenges.

Search / Select Data

We research, select, and extract data for each project of our clients.


We analyse and select the most suitable candidates for each project of our clients


Interview process initiation with prospective candidates.

Sharing of Top Candidates

Selection and sharing of the top candidates with the client

Client Selection Process

The client evaluates candidates’ soft skills and hard skills

Client Report

The client shares feedback on the candidates’ assessments


It goes beyond mere task delegation; it’s a smart strategy to optimize resources, drive operational efficiency, and enable companies to focus on their core business, while specialized partners take care of technology and innovation.


Each hiring is an opportunity to find exceptional talents that drive the growth and success of your company, building strong and diverse teams that confidently tackle the challenges of the future with innovation and confidence.


Our expertise is comprehensive and multifaceted. We are passionately dedicated to understanding the specific needs of your business, identifying the ideal professional profiles to drive the success of your company. Through a personalized and results-oriented approach, we work closely with you to ensure that each hiring is a valuable addition to your team and your business goals.

We create flexibility, streamline business


Dedicated to the success of your business, we channel all our energy and creativity. Through our services, we provide an innovative approach to meet your IT needs, allowing a efficient management of human and technical resources involved.

We value agility from the outset of projects, sparing you the lengthy and cumbersome recruitment process. This not only offers a competitive advantage but also enables the capitalization of opportunities quickly and effectively.

Simultaneously, we are deeply committed to understanding the motivations and ambitions of our candidates, ensuring the perfect fit between projects and people.

With a specialized team focused on action plans, we ensure that your project objectives are efficiently achieved without the burdens of traditional recruitment. Our commitment is to provide you with excellent solutions to drive the success of your business.


Web Frontend

Cloud /Sys Admin Services


Web Backend

Business Inteligence

Big Data / Data Scientist



We create relationships, we create synergies


The recruitment and selection process is conducted by an experienced team of consultants with a strong cross-sector knowledge of the job market. Our teams are multidisciplinary and composed of consultants with diverse professional backgrounds, ensuring a deep understanding of the market and a comprehensive approach to identifying the right talents for each project.

We prioritize not only technical skills but also interpersonal and cultural competencies that are essential for success in leadership positions. Our commitment is to provide an exceptional recruitment experience, helping you find the right talents.




Human Resources




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Contact / WhatsApp:
+351 931 648 862

Rua Carlos Aberto da Mota Pinto
No. 17 3A Amoreiras
Lisbon, Portugal